Reading Curriculum Alignment
To ensure reading success, all students need to perform to high standards. Alignments to rigorous reading curriculum frameworks and correlations with state and nationally recognized assessments help us focus teaching and learning systems around the right college- and career-ready outcomes for all students.

State Standards
Explore our interactive map to see how Reading Plus aligns to your state’s standards.

Correlations to Reading Plus’s InSight Assessment
The Reading Plus assessment, InSight, was developed following a rigorous, scientifically based process to ensure its validity and reliability. Research shows that InSight is highly correlated and has strong classification accuracy with SBAC, PARCC, and other state and nationally recognized assessments and is an accurate predictor of results on these assessments.
- aimswebPlus
- FAST aReading
- Florida Standards Assessment (FSA)
- Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation (GRADE)
- MAP Reading
- Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC)
- Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
- Renaissance STAR Reading Assessment
- TNReady English Language Arts (ELA) Assessment
- Virginia Standards of Learning Assessment (VA SOL)
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