Professional Learning and Development
We believe professional learning should be hands-on, model innovative strategies, and give teachers time to reflect and unpack what they learn together. From learning instructional strategies to developing instructional confidence, our portfolio of professional learning options supports educators as they inspire students.

Accelerate Professional Growth
Professional Learning supports teachers’ ongoing learning and development to help them make continuous improvements throughout their teaching career. We know that learning opportunities for each educator will enhance learning opportunities for each student.
Advance Educator Effectiveness
Every professional learning option within our portfolio is solutions-oriented and integrates research, theories, and models of learning to drive student outcomes. Educator effectiveness is the top priority with each professional development training we provide.

Increase Student Engagement
By training teachers on a variety of instructional strategies focused on student engagement, our Professional Learning options can be quickly and easily implemented in the classroom. We help teachers best serve the needs of their students with effective, efficient preparation and planning.
Teachers rated their abilities to teach math, science, engineering, and technology higher after participating in Discovery Education’s STEM Professional Learning. Teachers also reported that students are incorporating STEM thinking skills in their work at higher rates.
Discovery Education Solutions
Core and supplemental curriculum resources give you even more reason to use Discovery Education every day.
Learn How Discovery Education Supports All Educators
Professional Learning has been designed to support our teachers … with wonderful opportunities to engage in content specific topics around our student’s needs. The training is personable and collaborative, offering our teachers options on supplementing our curriculum with high quality resources aligned to the state standards.