Reading Enrichment Program for Proficient & Advanced Readers
Students on grade level and above benefit from personalized learning that prepares them for a greater volume of reading and more complex text. Reading Plus provides proficient and advanced readers with the opportunity to further deepen their reading skills.

Differentiated & Challenging
By further developing and strengthening reading skills, proficient and advanced readers will improve their learning across all content areas. Reading Plus provides students with:
Opportunity to continue building their knowledge, skills, and motivation
Individualized reading activities to accelerate skill development, enhance reading rate, and stimulate academic growth
Engaging and challenging content on a wide range of topics
How Reading Plus Supports Proficient and Advanced Readers
For Tier 1 students, enriching reading activities that are individualized can accelerate skill development, further strengthen reading fluency, and stimulate greater academic growth.
The Reading Plus assessment quickly and effectively ensures students start the program at reading and vocabulary levels that provide the appropriate degree of challenge.

The program dynamically increases rate and readability levels as students accomplish reading goals, continually raising the bar on achievements.

Writing prompts help students learn to integrate information from Reading Plus texts with their experiences to construct critical and thoughtful responses to text-dependent questions.

Reading Plus offers hundreds of diverse, engaging, and rigorously crafted complex texts on a wide range of topics appropriate for students reading on all levels through college.

Flexible Extension to Existing Curriculum
Proficient readers need instruction that matches their individual learning abilities and prepares them for success in college and career. Reading Plus is designed to complement core curriculum, providing learners with multiple programs that build general academic vocabulary and improve capacity and motivation to engage with and comprehend texts of greater complexity.