Explore the Importance of Service in Honor of Veterans Day
Join Discovery Education on a unique journey that inspires student agency through the lens of duty and service.
Hosted by students, the Voices of U.S. – Why We Serve Virtual Field Trip:
- Features personal stories from notable U.S. military veterans, civic leaders, and community service providers.
- Showcases historic locations that exemplify the meaning of service, honor, and duty.
- Inspires students to reflect on the sacrifices of our U.S. military service members and how it impacts our country.
- Encourages students to consider ways they can also act and serve their communities.

Featuring Inspiring Special Guests
Joni Ernst
U.S. Senator, R-IA
Mikie Sherrill
U.S. Representative, D-NJ-11
Neal McIntyre
Deputy Superintendent, Arlington National Cemetery
Student and Community Volunteer, Springfield, Virginia
Voices of U.S. – Why We Serve Virtual Field Trip

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Resources for Educators, Students, & Families

Take advantage of these instructional materials to help engage your students before, during, and after the Virtual Field Trip:
If you have Discovery Education, you can also take advantage of these resources: