• Sandbox for Chromebook: award-winning free 3D learning tool now available to download!

Thanks for Joining Discovery Education at CAST 2024!

November 14 – 16
San Antonio, Texas

The Sun Sets Near A Windmill In The Texas Hill

Three Days of "AHA!" Moments to Inspire the Way You Teach Science in Texas

Get ready for three exciting days with Discovery Education at CAST, where science teaching in Texas will be transformed! Join us as we dive into sessions designed to spark curiosity, ignite “AHA!” moments, and revolutionize your classroom. Experience inspiring stories, practical strategies, and hands-on explorations with our powerful science solutions—all through our award-winning K-12 learning platform and immersive Science Ecosystem. Our comprehensive, TEKS-aligned content is crafted to support Texas state education initiatives, ensuring your students are ready to explore, discover, and succeed. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable journey of scientific discovery!

CAST TX 2023 photo booth

Discovery Education Exhibit Experience

Booth #701

Thursday, November 14 – Saturday, November 16

Step into a world of science innovation at Discovery Education’s booth! Explore hands-on experiences that bring real-world science to life and dive into our cutting-edge science solutions and award-winning K-12 learning platform. Uncover fresh, dynamic approaches to inspire your students and make science more engaging, exciting, and impactful than ever before!

Exhibit Hall Hours:

  • Thursday, November 14 | 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Friday, November 15 | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Saturday, November 16 | 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Ignite Curiosity at our Interactive Workshop Sessions!

Phenomenal Phenomena: Using Phenomena to Engage Students in Science

Hosted by: Justin Karkow

What is Phenomena and what makes it engaging? By centering science education on phenomena that students are motivated to explain, the focus of learning shifts from learning about a topic to figuring out why or how something happens and connects that learning to the natural world. Explore example phenomena-based lessons as we share resources to get you started on building your own phenomena-based science lessons.

Thursday, November 14
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM CT

Location: 302C

SOS Showdown: Inspiring Students with High Yield Instructional Strategies

Hosted by: Paula Taylor

Spotlight on Strategies (SOS) is a series of creative, research-based instructional strategies, presented by teachers for teachers. These strategies incorporate digital media in meaningful, effective, and practical ways across all grade levels and content areas. Learn how to use these daily in the science classroom for high levels of student engagement by watching the Discovery Education Team face off where YOU get to determine the winners!

Thursday, November 14
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM CT

Location: 302C

Ready to LEGO and Think Critically with Mystery Science?

Hosted by: Paula Taylor

You’ve heard of the 4Cs, but have you met their next-door neighbor, the 4Ds?  Join Discovery Education as we share best practices for initiating Critical Thinking using the Lego Serious Play model through real-world problem solving inspired by Mystery Science. Be ready to roll your sleeves up to build a model where you Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver.

Thursday, November 14
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Location: 302C

Igniting AHA! Moments in Science: Exploring DE's Dynamic Digital Ecosystem

Hosted by: Justin Karkow

Join an interactive journey through DE’s cutting-edge science ecosystem, including Mystery Science, Pivot Interactives, Science Techbook, and Experience. We’ll unpack an exclusive formula to the elusive “AHA!” moments that are within reach via dynamic digital content, simplified hands-on activities, and real-world applications designed to ignite curiosity and deepen understanding.

Thursday, November 14
2:30 – 3:30 PM CT

Friday, November 15
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM CT

Location: 302C

Can You Escape the Discovery Education Room?

Hosted by: Paula Taylor and the Discovery Education Team

Escape rooms are games that ask groups to think critically, problem solve, troubleshoot, and work collaboratively to “escape” a room before the clock runs out. Teams follow clues and work together to solve puzzles that lead them toward a successful escape. Come join Discovery Education to unlock our Science Ecosystem for use in your classroom every day!

Thursday, November 14
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM CT

Friday, November 15
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM CT

Saturday, November 16
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM CT

Location: 302C

TSAAPT Presents: Data, Data, Data! Use Data From Phenomena to Drive Science Learning

Hosted by: Eric Friberg

Interacting with data provides ease of access to working with any of the science practices. Does the use of data get stuck in the “lab” activities to confirm student understanding? How can we infuse more data from phenomena more often in the instructional cycle? This session explores the tools and pedagogy to infuse data, phenomena, and the science practices into more lessons.

Friday, November 15
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM CT

Location: 225D

TEKS, SEPs, and RTCs . . . Oh My! Making the New Standards a Fairy Tale Come True

Hosted by: Paula Taylor & Caitlin Couch, Ector County ISD

Exploring the magic of fairy tales, educators will discover how to empower students to clarify and extend thinking to make meaningful connections with evidence and real-world phenomena. Through hands-on activities and interactive discussions, participants will gain practical strategies for implementing three-dimensional learning including digital tools and insights to transform their science instruction, creating dynamic learning experiences that foster curiosity, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of the world around us.

Friday, November 15
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM CT

Location: 006B

Elementary School Teachers Sparking Curiosity: A Hands-On, Immersive, and Musical Experience

Hosted by: Evan Sanchez

Get ready to infuse your elementary science lessons with fun and excitement! Our dynamic hands-on activity session is designed to provide you with practical, easy-to-implement strategies that ignite curiosity, bringing science to life. From interactive and engaging experiments to demonstrations, this session will equip you with tools needed to create memorable learning experiences that resonate with the world of phenomena. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to sing along with the Discovery Education Science Ecosystem!

Friday, November 15
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM CT

Saturday, November 16
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CT

Location: 302C

Using Phenomena to Stimulate Student Sensemaking

Hosted by: Ted Willard

Science is the process of investigating, describing, and explaining phenomena that take place in the universe. Research has shown that students learn science concepts much better if they investigate phenomena the way that scientists do. Selecting the right phenomenon will motivate your students to engage in scientific and engineering practices. Come see new ways to use phenomena in your classroom so that your students are both excited about science and understand it more deeply.

Friday, November 15
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM CT

Location: 217D

Wanna Blart My Woodle?

Hosted by: Tammy Norman and David Martinez, Cypress-Fairbanks ISD

Uncover the MAGIC of Woodles and how it will impact your approach to instruction. Walk away from this session equipped to give a more experiential, hands-on approach to vocabulary instruction & learning than traditional methods. You will DISCOVER ways to integrate DE’s digital/media resources such Ready to Use Activities and Interactives to support all students in learning language, vocabulary, concepts, and more. No doubt you will learn to nurture curiosity through blarting your own Woodle!

Friday, November 15
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CT

Location: 302C

Knowledge Building Can't Wait!

Hosted by: Toni Robinson

Discover how Science and the Science of Reading work together as a symbiotic relationship. Explore how building background knowledge boosts reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition, and how science supports reading while reading strengthens science skills. Learn about research on cross-media connections in vocabulary and content learning, and see why Scarborough’s Rope emphasizes the importance of language

Friday, November 15
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM CT

Location: 302C

Exploring the Recurring Themes and Concepts with the NSTA Quick-Reference Guide to the Three Dimensions

Hosted by: Ted Willard

The newest version of the TEKS features Recurring Themes and Concepts (RTCs), which involves ideas such as patterns, cause and effect, and systems that cut across all disciplines in science. RTCs give students useful lenses into their investigations of phenomena, helping them focus their questions and guide their investigations. This session will involve exploring the Recurring Themes and Concepts using tools and resources in the NSTA Quick-Reference Guide to the Three Dimensions.

Friday, November 15
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT (302C)

Saturday, November 16
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM CT (217B)

Location: 302C, 217B

DElightful Donuts with DE

Hosted by: Paula Taylor and the Discovery Education Team

Have you ever just wanted to sit down and chat with the Discovery Education Team? Drop in to the Discovery Education workshop room for donuts, coffee, and a DElightful chat about how DE’s Science Ecosystem can meet the needs of your students. You’ll walk away DEtermined to make us a part of your daily science routine.

Saturday, November 16
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM CT

Location: 302C

Meet the PreK–12 Science Ecosystem

Discovery Education Experience

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Your Daily Classroom Companion

Full of cross-curricular digital resources, grab-and-go activities, and instructional tools, Experience helps create connections between the digital and real worlds to strengthen science instruction.

tech and learning 2023 excellence winner secondary

Science Techbook for Texas

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A Comprehensive Core Science Curriculum

Science Techbook for Texas invites students to explore the marvels of our world with an immersive, phenomena-driven, 100% TEKS-aligned core science curriculum designed to bring the excitement of science to life.

tech and learning 2023 excellence winner secondary

Mystery Science

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A “Wow” Learning Experience​

Keep curiosity alive when it matters most with hands-on lessons and step-by-step activities that are packaged in an easy-to-use, open-and-go curriculum.

tech and learning 2023 excellence winner secondary

Pivot Interactives

Pivot Interactives Logo Pos

Unlimited Scientific Exploration​

Science practices are no longer just for lab time. With 500+ interactive science activities, this online science supplement helps teachers provide more phenomena-based, active learning, more often!
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