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Teton County Schools See Nearly 13% Increase in Math Proficiency with DreamBox Math

Success Stories

Teton Schools Logo WY

Teton County School District #1

Jackson, Wyoming

Teton County School District #1 serves 2,792 students with a student-teacher ratio of 12 to 1. To meet the standards-aligned criterion, district leaders chose DreamBox Math as its K-5 intervention tool. The data in DreamBox Math help teachers develop personalized learning plans to drive progress for K-5 students.

“We don’t think much about percent correct, we talk about levels of proficiency on standards,” AJ Swentosky, Executive Director of Educational Services, explains. “When it comes to supplemental tools and standards alignment that have strong data reporting systems, that’s what we love about DreamBox Math.”

The data in DreamBox Math help teachers develop personalized learning plans to drive progress for K-5 students. A dedicated fan of DreamBox Math since 2016, Swentosky has seen impressive student growth.

Students who completed more than 100 lesson in DreamBox Math saw an average of 12.43 percent growth. The number of lessons was directly associated with MAP growth within our district. [The growth] was especially pronounced for our K-2 students.
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AJ Swentosky
Executive Director of Educational Services, Teton County SD

DreamBox Math's Impact

The district’s data-driven strategy starts with students using virtual manipulatives in DreamBox Math, which makes learning math feel like a game. The visual manipulatives help students make connections to how math works instead of just memorizing answers. At the same time, DreamBox Math automatically adapts lessons to meet each student’s capabilities and builds from there. Teachers can then differentiate lessons based on individual student needs, strengths, and challenges.

Reports offer teachers continuous insights into student learning—without losing any time testing. Swentosky says, “DreamBox Math almost serves a little bit as an initial screener for additional math support and intervention.” He explains that teachers observe data weekly to monitor students’ learning. They can track their students’ levels of proficiency and adjust their instruction accordingly. When coupled with the personalization of lessons in DreamBox Math, the system encourages a productive struggle through instruction that ensures growth and engagement. The data also provides insights that teachers can use to help students gain proficiency earlier, address gaps, and put all students on the right path for learning and achievement.

Teachers and administrators love the reports, and even though Harvard studies extolled DreamBox Math efficacy, it was the district’s own impressive numbers that propelled—and continue to sustain—teacher buy-in.

Grade Level Gains

Students who completed 5+ lessons per week saw 1.3 grade levels of growth in DreamBox Math.

Lessons Completed

Teton County students completed 202,555 DreamBox Math lessons during the 2021-2022 school year.

Quick Facts

School Details

  • 10 schools serving 2,792 students
  • Partnered with DreamBox (Discovery Education) since 2016


  • DreamBox Math

Classroom Application

  • Supplemental
  • Intervention

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