• Sandbox for Chromebook: award-winning free 3D learning tool now available to download!

Discovery Education Support for
After-School Lesson Planning K-5

Explore the most popular Discovery Education interactive Studio Boards and ready-to-use activities used by South Carolina educators! Our grab-and-go lessons can be used as background builders, remediation activities, and concept and skill reinforcement across subject areas. DE also have 500+ Studio Boards and ready-to-use activities available through the SCDOE Instruction Hub. As best practice, please preview the activity to be sure it works well with the curriculum and the learning goals. 

Jump to a Section

To save time, sign in to Discovery Education prior to accessing the resources below. Then jump to a section to explore our most popular activities, all available within the SCDOE Instruction Hub. Learn more about how to access DE through the Instruction Hub.



Grade K


Students will be able to add numbers up to 10 and practice solving number sentences while learning about flamingos.
Grade K


Students subtract to 10 by learning subtraction words and practice solving number sentences while learning about penguins.

English Language Arts

Grade 2

Main Idea

Students listen to a fictional story to practice main idea and then apply this skill to a nonfiction text about owls.

Virtual Field Trips

Grades 3-8

Winning with STEM

Take a virtual field trip to learn how STEM professionals use practical problem-solving skills and outside-the-box thinking to develop sustainable solutions.
Grades 3-8

Farming to the Future

Take a virtual field trip to learn about sustainable nutrition and how we can all work together to create solutions that care for people, the planet, and our communities.
Grades 3-12

The Future is Now

Take a virtual field trip to learn about community building and get a behind-the-scenes look at amazing innovations of architecture and engineering.


Get the Most out of Your DE Experience!

Connect with Andrea Lance at ALance@DiscoveryEd.com with questions and support requests.