DreamBox Math Launchpad Resources
Plan, Communicate, Launch
Ready to start using Launchpad? If your district has DreamBox Math Advanced, you can start now.
What is Launchpad? Access our helpful resource kits to learn about the implementation journey, engagement materials, and more.

General Resources
Download these helpful resources and share them across your organization to help spread awareness for Launchpad and the Growth Report.
Growth Report Flyer
Shareable overview of how the new Growth Report helps educators track and monitor student growth
District-level Resources
District leaders, access these critical assets and guides to ensure your team’s Launchpad experience is successful.
District-Level Planning Checklist
Customizable checklist and timeline to ensure you get the most from a DreamBox Math Launchpad implementation
District-to-Building Communication Resources
Editable email templates to communicate timing, important steps, and best practices to site-level leaders

Site-level Resources
Site Leader Implementation Guide
Steps, tips, and best practices for how site leaders can best implement Launchpad in their building
Site Leader-to-Teachers Communication Resources
Editable email templates to communicate timing, important steps, and best practices to classroom teachers
Teacher Implementation Guide
Steps, tips, and best practices for how teachers can best implement Launchpad for their students