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Step into next-generation education, with the latest in immersive techniques, digital products, and professional development materials all at your fingertips.

What is Immersive Learning?

The Learning Amplifier

‘Immersion’ is an experience that deeply engages and captivates a person’s senses, emotions, and attention. Immersive learning is the practice of integrating powerful immersive moments into instruction. Research suggests that when students experience an emotional connection to the subject matter, they are more likely to understand it, remember it and develop an affinity for that topic.

Education is changing. Our growing access to information is opening doors for students, and introducing them to places, people, and ideas like never before. Immersive experiences help educators to keep up with those expectations, and connect their students with far-off time periods, planets, and people.

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The Time for Immersive is Now




of teachers think that students struggle to stay engaged due to lack of intrinsic motivation


of math and science teachers think that using immersive technology improves student engagement and interest


Gamified learning can increase excellence rates by 80% compared with traditional learning

Making Immersion Accessible

Modern immersive techniques combine augmented reality, virtual reality and interactive 3D environments to transform education into a dynamic, hands-on experience, and bring our ever-expanding world into every single classroom. No matter what type of devices are available in your setting, there’s a way for your students to access immersive learning experiences.

Dive into Discovery Education’s immersive learning platform to experience cutting-edge, accessible educational content that brings lessons to life.

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Your Immersive Solutions from Discovery Education

Explore free unique products from Discovery Education designed to help embed immersive learning techniques into everyday instruction.


Build, share & inhabit virtual topical worlds

iPad (AR) & Chromebook

