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North Carolina Statewide Study Summary of Findings

Research & Impact



Case Study

Time Period:



Discovery Education Research & Analytics

Grade Level:



  • Discovery Education Experience
  • Science Techbook
  • Math Techbook

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Discovery Education Research & Analysis compared partner schools in North Carolina to non-partner schools to study the extent to which achievement on state summative assessments is related to partnership with Discovery Education.

To accomplish this, Discovery Education compared the published school level data for the state of North Carolina for the 2016-2017 school year to a list of Discovery Education partners for the same time period, resulting in an analysis of achievement of DE partner schools vs. non-DE partner schools.

There are 34 performance indicators that show that partner schools perform better than non-DE partner schools. This positive correlation between DE partners and better scores found in the overall sample also holds for several different demographic subgroups.

Grade-Level Proficiency Results
% of students who met the state’s GLP benchmark (2016-2017)