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Reading Park develops the critical foundational skills young learners need in grades PreK-2 to become independent readers through a Structured Literacy approach. With lessons designed to develop phonemic awareness and phonics, and introduce fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills, this program guides students toward successful and productive reading through a playful, engaging learning environment.

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Reading Plus is an ESSA Strong supplemental intervention reading solution for grades 3-12. Reading Plus is the only reading solution that directly addresses silent reading fluency and motivation. Research shows that 70% of non-proficient readers process text inefficiently—they struggle to move their eyes smoothly and comfortably over lines of texts at an appropriate rate. Contrary to when students struggle to read out loud, inefficient silent reading is an unseen and unheard problem, yet it is the most frequently tested skill in activities like statewide assessments. Reading Plus’ unique InSight assessment measures comprehension, vocabulary, efficiency/fluency, and motivation to establish a personalized path of instruction for each student and enables educators to scaffold seen and unseen inefficiencies of even the most proficient learners while supporting enrichment in other areas. 


With award-winning, standards-aligned content and resources, Discovery Education Experience helps students build background knowledge that strengthens reading comprehension and fluency, while also developing academic vocabulary. The Ready-to-Use resources provide students of all grades with a variety of visual, auditory, and interactive resources to practice reading and analysis skills, as well as build background knowledge, with a variety of digital media. 

Also found in Experience, are Sesame Learning channels, Letter Time and Sounds and Letters, which attend to the foundational skills every emergent (PreK/K) and early (K-2) reader needs to develop along their journey of becoming avid, proficient readers, writers, and communicators.  


Discovery Education Experience Sounds and Letters Channel

Reading Park develops the critical foundational skills young learners need in grades PreK-2 to become independent readers through a Structured Literacy approach. With lessons designed to develop phonemic awareness and phonics, and introduce fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills, this program guides students toward successful and productive reading through a playful, engaging learning environment.

dreambox reading park 1

Reading Plus is an ESSA Strong supplemental intervention reading solution for grades 3-12. Reading Plus is the only reading solution that directly addresses silent reading fluency and motivation. Research shows that 70% of non-proficient readers process text inefficiently—they struggle to move their eyes smoothly and comfortably over lines of texts at an appropriate rate. Contrary to when students struggle to read out loud, inefficient silent reading is an unseen and unheard problem, yet it is the most frequently tested skill in activities like statewide assessments. Reading Plus’ unique InSight assessment measures comprehension, vocabulary, efficiency/fluency, and motivation to establish a personalized path of instruction for each student and enables educators to scaffold seen and unseen inefficiencies of even the most proficient learners while supporting enrichment in other areas. 


With award-winning, standards-aligned content and resources, Discovery Education Experience helps students build background knowledge that strengthens reading comprehension and fluency, while also developing academic vocabulary. The Ready-to-Use resources provide students of all grades with a variety of visual, auditory, and interactive resources to practice reading and analysis skills, as well as build background knowledge, with a variety of digital media. 

Also found in Experience, are Sesame Learning channels, Letter Time and Sounds and Letters, which attend to the foundational skills every emergent (PreK/K) and early (K-2) reader needs to develop along their journey of becoming avid, proficient readers, writers, and communicators.  


Discovery Education Experience Sounds and Letters Channel
de supporting literacy simple view

de supporting literacy simple view

The skills necessary for reading comprehension can be broken down into the Simple View of Reading and Scarborough’s Reading Rope, two research-based frameworks used within SOR approaches that demonstrate the complex process of reading.

Scarborough Reading Rope

Scarborough’s Rope illustrates how different components of reading, like decoding and comprehension skills, are interwoven and must develop together to achieve fluent reading.
The rope metaphor emphasizes that reading is not a single skill, but a combination of various abilities that develop over.

Active View of Reading

The Active View of Reading emerged in 2021 and expands on the Simple View of Reading. This expansion includes a connection between decoding and language comprehension and introduces self-regulation skills, which require readers to attend, plan, organize, strategize, and remember how to read a text.

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DreamBox Reading Park

DreamBox Reading Park, designed for PreK through Grade 2, uses advanced adaptive technology to deliver research-based pedagogy that develops phonemic awareness, phonics, decoding, and fluency skills. 

  •  Unparalleled adaptivity: The program interprets student learning in the moment and fine-tunes instruction to build confidence and skills mastery. 
  • Address learning in the moment: Continuous embedded assessment analyzes each student’s engagement across key foundational skills and concepts. 
  • Research-based curriculum: The program meets the foundational reading standards for K-2 and Level IV evidence requirements in compliance with ESSA.

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