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DreamBox Math Rated Strong by Evidence for ESSA

DreamBox Math Program Rated Strong by Evidence for ESSA

Research & Impact



Research Studies


Study 1: Stanford Research Institute; Study 2: M. Lenard, Anisa Rhea

Grade Level:

Study 1: K-1; Study 2: K-5


DreamBox Math

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The impact of DreamBox Math has been examined by Evidence for ESSA in two randomized studies. The first study, conducted by Stanford Research Institute (SRI), occurred in three Rocketship Education charter schools in the San Francisco Bay Area with over 500 K-1 students. Students who used DreamBox Math scored higher than control students on the NWEA MAP, qualifying DreamBox Math for the ESSA “Strong” category. This study’s research was also validated by the What Works Clearinghouse Institute of Educational Sciences.

The second study took place in 24 schools across North Carolina with over 10,000 students in grades K-2 and 4-5. On the Number Knowlege Test, K-2 students in schools using DreamBox Math outperformed control students.

View the Rating by Evidence for ESSA


South Carolina Educators Feedback on Experience


South Carolina Feedback Survey on Discovery Education Experience

Research & Impact




Time Period:

September 2022


Discovery Education Research & Analytics

Grade Level:



  • Discovery Education Experience
  • Professional Learning

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The DE Research & Analytics team conducted a feedback survey in September of 2022 to learn more about the use of Discovery Education Experience among South Carolina educators, Specifically, they wanted to glean insights into digital teaching and learning, and how professional learning plays a critical role. The final survey featured a total of 17 responses from experienced educators that taught a range of subjects and grades.

south carolina study card

Harvard Study Suggests DreamBox Math Impact on Student Learning Outcomes



Research Report

Time Period:


Grade Level:



Center for Education Policy Research, Harvard University


DreamBox Math

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The Center for Education Policy and Research at Harvard University evaluated the impact of DreamBox Math on student achievement. The study explored whether improvement on student assessment scores was causally related to the use of Dreamox Math and the results showed meaningful achievement gains. 

In particular, when students spent 20 minutes per week on DreamBox Math, their NWEA MAP scores increased by 2.5 points. Because the study indicates a linear relationship between time spent in DreamBox Math and achievement gains, students who use DreamBox Math for 60 minutes per week stand to experience an increase of 7.5 points on the MAP assessment.

Who was included and what was evaluated?

The study included nearly 3,000 students in grades 3-5 representing culturally and economically diverse demographics from two school districts: Rocketship Education and Howard County Public Schools (HCPSS). 

Researchers examined historical data on student achievement on state assessments and the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP) assessment, as well student characteristics. They also looked at student log files from DreamBox Math to measure how students were using the program, both in and out of school.

What are the study results?

The CEPR at Harvard University study of DreamBox Math showed meaningful achievement gains. When students spent 20 minutes per week usingthe program during the school year, they demonstrated a 2.5 percentile point increase on their NWEA MAP assessments.

Because the study indicates a linear relationship between time spent on DreamBox Math and achievement gains, students who use DreamBox Math for the recommended 60 minutes per week stand to experience an increase of 7.5 points on the MAP.

harvard study card


©2016 President and Fellows of Harvard College
Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University | | @HarvardCEPR

Exploring Fairness in an Adaptive Learning Platform


Exploring Fairness in an Adaptive Learning Platform

Research & Impact



Research Brief

Time Period:



Discovery Education; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


DreamBox Math

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With rapid advancements and increased awareness in Generative AI tools, companies face pressure to integrate these technologies into their core products. A key concern in deploying these advanced technologies is the potential for inherent biases. However, at DreamBox, we remain focused on achieving optimal and equitable learning outcomes for all students. 

The purpose of this study is to aid the advancement of transparent and equitable AI-systems by sharing our research into factors influencing student learning outcomes in DreamBox Math, including but not limited to the impact of student ethnicity. We collected usage data from a U.S. public school district from 7,707 students spanning grades 3 through 6. The dataset includes metrics such as product usage, class size, grade level, lesson difficulty, student pass rate, and ethnicity to evaluate their influence on student success in DreamBox Math.

As part of our partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, we set out to proactively participate in contributing to responsible AI in Education and EdTech products. Our first step towards those goals has been to carefully evaluate our existing adaptive engine as it makes moment-in-time adaptive lesson recommendations to students. Since its release to students over a decade ago, we have been monitoring this system internally, and have continued to evaluate the effectiveness of the adaptive system as we have updated and improved the content and engine over time. 

Analysis of DreamBox Math Usage Shows Significant Student Growth​


Analysis of Statewide Implementation of DreamBox Math Shows Significant Student Growth

Research & Impact



Research Brief

Time Period:



Discovery Education


DreamBox Math

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In the 2021-22 school year, all South Carolina K-5 students had access to DreamBox Math. To evaluate the benefits of this program, researchers analyzed the end-of-year SCReady test scores for spring 2021 (baseline) and spring 2022 (follow up). With this data, they looked at data for two cohorts: students in grade 4 who completed the baseline assessments in 3rd grade and the follow-up in 4th grade, and students in grade 5 who completed the baseline in 4th grade and the follow-up in 5th grade.

Sample Data for the Study Included:

Students in Grades 4-5
0 K

Data showed that South Carolina students in 4th and 5th grade who used DreamBox Math for one hour per week demonstrated significantly greater growth on year-end testing. This study also found that students who completed 5 lessons per week demonstrated a year-over-year growth that either approached or exceeded the South Carolina Added Value Targets. These positive results were observed for students across all achievement levels. 


DB Math Study SC Graph

DreamBox Math Drives K-5 Student Achievement in Pinellas, FL


Pinellas County Schools Drives Student Achievement with DreamBox Math

Research & Impact



Research Brief

Time Period:

SY 2019-2020, SY 2020-2021




Discovery Education


DreamBox Math

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After a successful pilot program across 10 schools, district leaders at Pinellas County Schools (PCS) recognized the value of DreamBox Math to help their students learn and reach academic goals. In Fall 2019, the district expanded the math program to include more than 70 schools. DreamBox Math data captured from PCS represents a culturally and economically diverse student population.

The implementation of DreamBox Math for the students of Pinellas County has ensured students receive additional instruction in their areas of need, both with remediation and enrichment. DreamBox has changed the culture of mathematics in our district for students, teachers and families.
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Michael Feeney
Executive Director, Elementary Education, Pinellas County Schools

In 2021, the DreamBox Research Team began to explore the impact of DreamBox Math usage in Pinellas County on growth on Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP) assessment data. They conducted a research study to investigate these questions: 

  • How much growth did students demonstrate while playing DreamBox Math the recommended amount each week?
  • Does completing DreamBox Math lessons produce the same results across all achievement levels and grades?
  • Was there a measurable impact on assessment scores for students playing DreamBox Math during and after pandemic closures?

Sample Data for the Study Included:

1-5th Graders
0 K
0 +

Student DreamBox Math Usage Groups:

Low Usage

Students who completed fewer than two DreamBox Math lessons per week.

Comparison Group

Students who completed two or more lessons, but fewer than five lessons per week.

Recommended Usage

Students who completed five lessons or more each week.

Results in Just Eight Weeks

Students who completed an average of five or more lessons per week increased more than five national achievement percentile points. These gains were significantly larger than gains demonstrated by students who completed fewer or no weekly DreamBox Math lessons.

MAP increase dbmath pinellas study

LearnPlatform by Instructure, a third-party educational research company, worked with Discovery Education to review this study for evidence that use of DreamBox Math improves students’ math achievement The review concluded that the evidence surrounding DreamBox Math meets the standards of evidence in ESSA aligning with Level III “Promising Evidence.”

DreamBox Math Study at William Penn School District: ESSA Evidence Level III


DreamBox Math Study with William Penn School District: ESSA Evidence Level III

Research & Impact



Case Study


LearnPlatform by Instructure

Grade Level:


Time Period:



DreamBox Math

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In 2022, LearnPlatform, a third-party edtech research company, was contracted to explore the extent to which DreamBox Math helps accelerate learning for all students at William Penn School District in Pennsylvania.

This study examines the relationship between usage of DreamBox Math and student math outcomes. LearnPlatform designed the study to satisfy Level III requirements (Promising Evidence) according to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

DreamBox Math provides invaluable strategies for addressing our greatest academic needs, showing educators where best to intervene, and helping each student reach their full potential.
de quote left square filled
Edward Dunn
Curriculum Supervisor of Mathematics, William Penn School District, PA


LearnPlatform by Instructure, Senior Researchers Ashley Hunt, Ph.D. and Meetal Shal, Ph.D., Director of Research Mary Styers, Ph.D. “DreamBox Math (2021-22) ESSA Evidence Level III study conducted at The William Penn School District, PA”. Discovery Education, February 2,2023.

Who Was Included in the Study?

This study included 18,51 K-6 students across eight elementary schools in William Penn School District, PA. This student sample represents a diverse and historically vulnerable student population. 

Researchers Asked:

  • How were different DreamBox Math usage patterns related to grade K-6 students’ spring 2022 math achievement?
  • Which usage pattern(s) of DreamBox Math had the greatest impact on grade K-6 students’ spring 2022 math achievement?
  • What was the overall impact of DreamBox Math on grade K-6 students’ spring 2022 math achievement?
  • How did the impact of DreamBox Math vary by student grade and racial identity?
  • What was the impact for students who had free or reduced-price lunch (FRL) status?

Study Sample Student Demographics

Students with IEPs
0 %
Students Qualify for FRL
0 %
English Language Learners
0 %

What Data Were Evaluated?

Researchers investigated differential rates of learning acceleration for K-6 students who had access to DreamBox Math during the 2021-22 academic year and completed the fall 2021 Savvas MSDA math pretest and the spring 2022 Savvas MSDA math posttest.

Analysts used 2021-22 student-level DreamBox Math usage (i.e., average weekly lessons and weekly minutes). This usage data informed the extent to which students used the program during the school year and whether students’ use of DreamBox Math related to math learning outcomes on Savvas™ MSDA (the district’s end-of-year assessment).

Study Inclusion Requirements

Students in grades K-6 who completed both:
✓ Fall 2021 Savvas MSDA math pretest
✓ Spring 2022 Savvas MSDA math posttest

DreamBox Math Usage Groups

✓ Low usage = 0 to 3.4 weekly lessons
✓ Moderate usage = 3.5 to 6.7 weekly lessons
✓ High usage = More than 6.8 weekly lessons

How Much Time Did Students Use DreamBox Math Each Week?

DreamBox Learning recommends students complete five lessons per week (about one hour). Overall, students at William Penn School District demonstrated strong usage. During the 2021-22 school year, students at WPSD completed an average of 4.2 DreamBox Math lessons per week and spent an average of 70 minutes in DreamBox Math per week. 59% of students completed 3.5+ weekly lessons and 33% of students completed the recommended 5 weekly lessons. 

Overall Distribution of DreamBox Math User Groups

What Were Some Key Takeaways from the Study?

Overall, students who completed more lessons and spent more time in DreamBox Math had higher math achievement at the end of the study.

✓ Students who completed at least 3.5 lessons (55 minutes) in DreamBox Math had higher end-of-year math achievement scores.
✓ This study controlled for students’ beginning-of-year math achievement and demographics.

DreamBox Math was equally impactful for students regardless of grade, race, and FRL status.

✓ Across all grades, students who completed more DreamBox Math weekly lessons had higher spring Savvas MSDA achievement scores.
✓ Students who identified as Black (African American) and completed more weekly lessons/spent more time (weekly minutes) in the program had higher end-of-year math achievement than those students who used the program less.
✓ Among students who had FRL status, there was a positive, statistically significant relationship that suggests students who completed more weekly lessons/spent more time using the program had higher end-of-year math achievement than those who didn’t use the program.

Education Intervention Impact

LearnPlatform researchers calculated standardized effect sizes (Hedge’s g) to determine the magnitude of changes in student outcomes. The effect size for students who used DreamBox Math more than 6.8 lessons per week was 0.29. This result suggests that DreamBox Math is 4Xs more effective than the average elementary school math intervention.*

* Lipsey, M. W., Puzio, K., Yun, C., Hebert, M. A., Steinka-Fry, K., Cole, M. W., Roberts, M., Anthony, K. S., & Busick, M. D. (2012). Translating the statistical representation of the effects of education interventions into more readily interpretable forms (NCSER 2013-3000). Washington, DC: National Center for Special Education Research, Institute of Educational Sciences, US Department of Education.

Research from Over 100,000 Students Shows DreamBox Math Works


Research from Over 100,000 Students Shows DreamBox Math Works

Research & Impact



Research Brief

Time Period:

2019 – 2022




DreamBox Math

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By personalizing instruction, DreamBox Math ensures that all students can achieve significant growth in math.

Over the past several years, Discovery Education has partnered with third-party research organizations, expert data scientists, and education researchers to analyze the efficacy of DreamBox Math across over 100,000 K–8 students. The rich data set includes students using DreamBox Math in class, at home, during accelerated programs, for intervention, and for practice.

Researchers applied a variety of methodologies to explore diverse data for students from different-sized districts, in unique parts of the nation, and facing varying learning challenges. Regardless of how researchers explored data, all types of students’ math proficiency grew with DreamBox Math. The six takeaways in this report demonstrate how versatile this program is for all learners.

Millions of Data Points

100,000+ Students

Six Key Research Takeaways

DreamBox Reading Park Logic Model: ESSA Evidence Level IV​


DreamBox Reading Park Logic Model: ESSA Evidence Level IV

Research & Impact



Logic Model


LearnPlatform by Instructure

Grade Level:



DreamBox Learning Reading Park

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Discovery Education engaged LearnPlatform by Instructure, a third-party edtech research company, to develop a logic model for DreamBox Reading Park. LearnPlatform by instructure designed the logic model to satisfy Level IV requirements (Demonstrates a Rationale) according to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

To continue building evidence of effectiveness and to examine the proposed relationships in the logic model, Discovery Education plans to conduct an evaluation to determine the extent the Reading Park program produces the desired outcomes for grades K-2. Specifically, Discovery Education has plans to begin an ESSA Level III study.

Because of the development of the logic model and the plan for an ESSA Level III study, DreamBox Reading Park by Discovery Education meets Tier IV evidence requirements in compliance with ESSA.


LearnPlatform by Instructure, Researcher Alexander Lee, Ph.D. and Senior Researcher Meetal Shal, Ph.D. “Reading Park Logic Model.” Discovery Education, January 5, 2024.

DoodleMath Logic Model: ESSA Evidence Level IV​


DoodleMath Logic Model: ESSA Evidence Level IV

Research & Impact



Logic Model


LearnPlatform by Instructure

Grade Level:




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Discovery Education engaged LearnPlatform by Instructure, a third-party edtech research company, to develop a logic model for DoodleMath. LearnPlatform by instructure designed the logic model to satisfy Level IV requirements (Demonstrates a Rationale) according to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

To continue building evidence of effectiveness and to examine the proposed relationships in the logic model, Discovery Education plans to conduct an evaluation to determine the extent to its program produces the desired outcomes. Specifically, Discovery Education has plans to begin an ESSA Level III study.

Because of the development of the logic model and the plan for an ESSA Level III study, DoodleMath by Discovery Education meets Tier IV evidence requirements in compliance with ESSA.


LearnPlatform by Instructure, Researcher Andrew Scanlan, M.A. and Senior Researcher Meetal Shal, Ph.D. “DoodleMath Logic Model.” Discovery Education, January 20, 2023.