California Social Studies Techbook

Your Primary Source for the California Social Studies Classroom
California Social Studies Techbook is a standards-aligned, core-curricular resource that uses an inquiry-based approach to enhance literacy and critical thinking skills, allowing students to approach inquiry through the 5Es: Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend, and Evaluate. From stories of ancient cultures to current events, this comprehensive digital textbook takes concepts off the pages and brings lessons to life.
Ignite student interest and open doorways to learning with exciting real world curriculum resources, packaged with instructional strategies and personalized for your needs as an educator.
Experience Immersive History
With the California Social Studies Techbook, students don’t just learn about history. They experience it through project-based learning, inquiry, and civic engagement. This digital textbook pairs compelling core content with thought-provoking essential questions, primary source analysis, and project-based tasks.

Human rights defender Ka Hsaw Wa tells his emotional story.

Watch "Perspectives on the War of 1812."
Build Culturally Responsive Classrooms
Multiple perspectives are infused into a seamless narrative as historical events are presented without bias and with authentic voices. Students gain appreciation and empathy as they learn history through a variety of voices in a safe, collaborative, and empathetic learning environment. Thousands of carefully curated primary and secondary sources are coupled with focused analysis activities to promote critical thinking.
Bring History to Life for All Learners
With the California Social Studies Techbook, students don’t just learn about history. They experience it through project-based learning, inquiry, and civic engagement. This digital textbook pairs compelling core content with thought-provoking essential questions, primary source analysis, and project-based tasks.

See Social Studies Techbook's seamless and subtle differentiation in action.
“Discovery Education Social Studies Techbook is a game-changer. It’s the best curriculum resources I’ve seen in 14 years for our academic domain.”
Malcolm Towle
Middle School
Social Studies Teacher
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Available Courses
California Social Studies Techbook is available in the following courses:
- Ancient World History
- Medieval and Early Modern World History
- U.S. History

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Differentiated Instruction
Core Interactive Text is available in multiple reading levels as well as in Spanish. Students can highlight text, add sticky notes, have the text read aloud, or print content to paper.

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High-Quality Instructional Resources
Through our partnership with news leader MacNeil/Lehrer Productions, Discovery Education offers Global Wrap, a weekly news summary that recaps news of the week from around the world in terms students understand.

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Inquiry-Based Instruction
Thousands of carefully curated primary and secondary sources are coupled with focused analysis activities to promote critical thinking.