• Sandbox for Chromebook: award-winning free 3D learning tool now available to download!

Ignite Learning that Lasts a Lifetime​

header - ignite learning that lasts a lifetime
Our award-winning solutions will feature AI-powered tools, enhanced personalization, and career-connected opportunities—empowering educators, sparking curiosity, and preparing students for the future. Join our virtual event Engage K-12de bts engage k 12 post it to discover the latest updates and see how we’ll ignite learning for educators and students this fall!
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Kickstart a Year of Curiosity and Growth

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sticky note titled "engage minds, deepen learning"
sticky note titled "time-saving tools to maximize impact"
sticky note titled "prepare students for the future, today"
sticky note titled "engage minds, deepen learning"
sticky note titled "time-saving tools to maximize impact"
sticky note titled "prepare students for the future, today"
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de bts scientist with half separator

Discover the New Era of Experience

header - discover the new era of experience

Big changes coming! The ultimate K-12 classroom companion is leveling-up with AI-powered teaching tools, career readiness resources, and even more standards-aligned lessons to bring learning to life.

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Personalized Content Recommendations

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Simplify planning with personalized lesson suggestions aligned to your curriculum for a tailored teaching experience – plus enhanced instructional strategies and ready-to-use lessons

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de bts sticker science

Link Classrooms to Career

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Virtual visits from industry professionals to offer
real-world insights and get students thinking about their futures. 

Assessments Simplified

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Effortlessly create high-quality, customized assessments with a powerful AI tool.

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Disco With Student Roster 2x
image of post it with checkboxes: checkbox 1 - Align to State Standards. Checkbox 2 - Select Bloom's Taxonomy Levels. Checkbox 3 - Differentiate Reading Levels

Unleash the Magic of DreamBox Math

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Discover what’s new with DreamBox Math, the adaptive math program for grades K-8. A better-than-ever student experience, new lessons, and a curriculum guide help teachers bring math magic to life!

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Upgraded Student Experience

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We’re leveling up our lessons! With clearer instructions, smoother interactivity, tailored scaffolding, and real-world connections, our enhanced lessons make math more engaging and relatable.

Improved Accessibility

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DreamBox Math just got smarter! Enhanced accessibility with clear visuals, seamless keyboard navigation, assistive tech integration, and multi-device compatibility enable all students to succeed.

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A New Look for Middle School

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A bold, vibrant middle school experience keeps students hooked, while a streamlined layout—with teacher-assigned lessons and goal tracking front and center—reinforces routines.

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dreambox neon sparkle

Interactive Curriculum Guide

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Educators can explore the scope of DreamBox’s curriculum by standard, grade level, and skills–making it easier to connect lessons with what teachers are doing in their classrooms.

Transforming Learning Everywhere: See our Impact

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Explore Our Other Award-Winning Solutions!

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Discovery Education has been honored with multiple 2024 EdTech Digest Awards.

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Dive Into Free Resources to Build Future-Ready Students

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Over 2/3 of students feel their education isn’t evolving to meet workplace needs and 75% of adults agree.

See how Discovery Education can support your district’s career readiness goals and other top priorities.

Dive Into Free Resources to Build Future-Ready Students

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de bts future readiness infographic magnet
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de bts 6 strategies magnet
de bts resources cta Get Algebra ready
de bts guide to curiosity magnet
de bts resources cta Download guide
de bts whats new magnet
de bts resources cta See whats new
de bts vft magnet
de bts resources cta Explore More
de bts bts magnet
de bts resources cta Get BTS ready
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de bts sticker science