• Sandbox for Chromebook: award-winning free 3D learning tool now available to download!


Discovery Education Certification Day 2025

Building Brighter Futures Together

January 29, 2025 | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM ET | Virtual Event


Thank you for attending our 4th Annual Certification Day!

Event Homework

Submit your homework below by the end of the day on 2/7 to earn your 2025 Discovery Education Certification Day badge and certificate.

Session Resources

Choose Your Own Adventure: Breakout Sessions

Breakout Session #1

EXP06: DE Experience Interactives (Math) | Whitney Triplett

  • Learn how Experience Math interactives support engaging learners with content that spans K-12 classrooms.

EXP05: DE Experience Ready-to-Use (K-5) | Laurie Lear

  • Supporting K-5 Educators with the DE Top 5 Things to Know, including Ready-to-Use/Assign lesson activities. You will use SOS to summarize and reflect during the visual tour and think-aloud of the RTU activities. Includes time to explore.

EXP05: DE Experience Ready-to-Use (6-12) | Tami Frailey

  • Supporting 6-12 Educators with the DE Top 5 Things to Know, including Ready-to-Use/Assign lesson activities. You will use SOS to summarize and reflect during the visual tour and think-aloud of the RTU activities. Includes time to explore.

EXP10: DE Experience Questioning | Angela DeCastro

  • After level setting the what, why and how of questioning, participants are introduced to Pause and Play, an SOS that supports asking students various levels of questions throughout a learning experience. Then, they are taught how to layer a learning experience – ask different levels of questions during the learning using SOS.

DBM02: DreamBox Math: A Day in the Life (K-5) | Lindsay Boger

  • Learn the basics of moitoring student engagement in DreamBox Math. We will work to gather insight into student progress by analyzing lesson data within DreamBox Lesson Highlights* and Lesson Recommendations*. Educators will also gain strategies to support students who ‘May Need Attention’ with DreamBox.
Breakout Session #2

EXP06: DE Experience Interactives (Science) | Whitney Triplett

  • Learn how Experience Science interactives support engaging learners with content that spans K-12 classrooms.

EXP11: DE Experience Summarizing | Laurie Lear

  • After the participants unpack the what, why and how of summarizing, they are immersed in a RTU Activity that showcases how to use Whittle It Down with content in order to support summarizing. An exploration follows the immersion in order for participants to find strategies that they can use in their classroom.

EXP07: DE Experience Studio (K-5) | Tami Frailey

  • Let’s create with Studio for K-5! This immersion and exploration will guide participants to find templates and RTU Activities that educators can easily create, assign, and use to gather information about student learning.

EXP07: DE Experience Studio (6-12) | Angela DeCastro

  • Let’s create with Studio for 6-12! This immersion and exploration will guide participants to find templates and RTU Activities that educators can easily create, assign, and use to gather information about student learning.

DBM01: DreamBox Math: K-5 Data Dive | Lindsay Boger

  • Learn how to analyze the Growth report and standards-based proficiency data across various reports in the DreamBox Insight Dashboard in order to maximize student learning. The particpants will focus on determining instructional groupings or communicating progress with learning goals.
Breakout Session #3

EXP08: DE Experience Quiz | Whitney Triplett

  • Activate engagement and check for student understanding with Six Word Story! Then uncover how Discovery Education’s Quiz tool can support teachers in checking for understanding around learning. We break down the three quiz pathways to support facilitation and participant understanding.

EXP10: DE Experience Questioning | Laurie Lear

  • After level setting the what, why and how of questioning, participants are introduced to Pause and Play, an SOS that supports asking students various levels of questions throughout a learning experience. Then, they are taught how to layer a learning experience – ask different levels of questions during the learning using SOS.

EXP14: DE Experience Critical Thinking | Tami Frailey

  • We will model critical thinking with Myth Busting, an SOS strategy. After the participants unpack the what, why and how of critical thinking, they are immersed in a Ready to-Use Activity that showcases how to provide opportunities to use Myth Busting to engage students in higher order thinking.

EXP06: DE Experience Interactives (ELA & SS) | Angela DeCastro

  • Learn how Experience ELA and Social Studies interactives support engaging learners with content that spans K-12.

DBM02: DreamBox Math: A Day in the Life (K-5) | Lindsay Boger

  • Learn the basics of moitoring student engagement in DreamBox Math. We will work to gather insight into student progress by analyzing lesson data within DreamBox Lesson Highlights* and Lesson Recommendations*. Educators will also gain strategies to support students who ‘May Need Attention’ with DreamBox.

Featured Speakers

Host: Kristen Olson

VP, State-Wide & Strategic Partnerships
Discovery Education

Co-Host: Paula Taylor

Director, Educational Partnerships
Discovery Education

andrea arthur headshot
Co-Host: Andrea Arthur

Manager, Partner Success
Discovery Education

Tammy Norman
Co-Host: Tammy Norman

Manager, Educational Partnerships
Discovery Education

Lindsay Boger
Lindsay Boger

Professional Development Specialist
Discovery Education

Amber Caldwell

Sr. Director, Global Sales Enablement
Discovery Education

Angela DeCastro

Professional Learning Facilitator
Discovery Education

Tami Frailey

Professional Learning Facilitator
Discovery Education

Erica Kovacevic

Manager, Teaching & Learning
Discovery Education

Laurie 1
Laurie Lear

Professional Learning Facilitator
Discovery Education

Avi Ornovitz

Director, State-Wide & Strategic Partnerships
Discovery Education

Whitney Triplett

Professional Learning Facilitator
Discovery Education

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Discovery Educator Network

Trusted by educators since 2005, the Discovery Educator Network (DEN) offers you one of the most thriving professional learning networks in the world. They’re educators from all roles and backgrounds, joined by a passion for continuous learning and a commitment to their students.