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DreamBox Math Program Rated Strong by Evidence for ESSA

Research & Impact



Research Studies


Study 1: Stanford Research Institute; Study 2: M. Lenard, Anisa Rhea

Grade Level:

Study 1: K-1; Study 2: K-5


DreamBox Math

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The impact of DreamBox Math has been examined by Evidence for ESSA in two randomized studies. The first study, conducted by Stanford Research Institute (SRI), occurred in three Rocketship Education charter schools in the San Francisco Bay Area with over 500 K-1 students. Students who used DreamBox Math scored higher than control students on the NWEA MAP, qualifying DreamBox Math for the ESSA “Strong” category. This study’s research was also validated by the What Works Clearinghouse Institute of Educational Sciences.

The second study took place in 24 schools across North Carolina with over 10,000 students in grades K-2 and 4-5. On the Number Knowlege Test, K-2 students in schools using DreamBox Math outperformed control students.

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