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DreamBox Math for Florida

Reviewer Site

DreamBox Math for Florida

100% aligned to Florida’s B.E.S.T Standards for Mathematics for grades K-4, DreamBox Math for Florida offers an evidence-based immersive learning experience that personalizes math learning. It combines scaffolded instruction and best-in-class adaptivity with embedded assessment, all wrapped in engaging and accessible learning environments to build conceptual mastery, procedural fluency, and strategic thinking for all students.

Digital Review Site for the 2024-2025 Florida K-4 Math Intervention Adoption

This site includes the state requirements needed for the Florida Instructional Materials review for K-4 Math Intervention. Below you will find the following information for review: digital access login, UDL and Publisher questionnaires, Florida correlation documents, Quick Start and Reviewer guides, and a digital walkthrough video.

For Students

K-2 Student Environment

Age-appropriate for grades K-2, students interact with personalized, adaptive lessons that combine virtual manipulatives, scaffolded supports, and embedded continuous assessment to inform progress monitoring and targeted intervention.
For Students

3-5 Student Environment

Age-appropriate for grades 3-5, students interact with personalized, adaptive lessons that combine virtual manipulatives, scaffolded supports, and embedded continuous assessment to inform progress monitoring and targeted intervention.
For Educators

Educator Environment

A robust suite of reporting for administrators and teachers tracks usage, growth, and proficiency in Florida’s B.E.S.T Standards for Mathematics and provides actionable data for the progress monitoring that informs interventions.
For Educators

Teacher Resources

Find teaching and learning resources to help educators get started, extend learning, support students and families with printable multilingual resources, and more.
For Educators

Professional Learning

Flexible options meet each educator’s availability and needs and correlate to what students are learning in DreamBox Math for Florida. Teachers can participate in live, interactive sessions, schedule one-on-one, 15-minute Pop-In PD sessions, or engage in self-paced, on-demand eLearning courses.
For Families

Family Dashboard

Families can monitor their child’s DreamBox Math usage and growth, receive email notifications of learning gains, and celebrate achievements.

DreamBox Math for Florida

Math Intervention for Grades K-4

Choose an account level:


- has district administrator-level permissions


- has school administrator-level permissions


- has teacher-level permissions


- has district administrator-level permissions

Bid ID # 1045

Course # 5012020

DreamBox Math for Florida, Grade K


• 5-Year: 978-1-60711-733-9

• 4-Year: 978-1-60711-738-4 

• 1-Year: 978-1-60711-743-8 

Bid ID # 1046

Course # 5012030

DreamBox Math for Florida, Grade 1


• 5-Year: 978-1-60711-734-6

• 4-Year: 978-1-60711-739-1

• 1-Year: 978-1-60711-744-5

Bid ID # 1047

Course # 5012040

DreamBox Math for Florida, Grade 2


• 5-Year: 978-1-60711-735-3

• 4-Year: 978-1-60711-740-7

• 1-Year: 978-1-60711-745-2

Bid ID # 1048

Course # 5012050

DreamBox Math for Florida, Grade 3


• 5-Year: 978-1-60711-736-0

• 4-Year: 978-1-60711-741-4

• 1-Year: 978-1-60711-746-9

Bid ID # 1049

Course # 5012060

DreamBox Math for Florida, Grade 4


• 5-Year: 978-1-60711-737-7

• 4-Year: 978-1-60711-742-1

• 1-Year: 978-1-60711-747-6