Proven effective whether students need intervention, remediation, or enrichment, our engaging and adaptive math program integrates curriculum and continuous formative assessment to personalize instruction, develop conceptual understanding, build critical skills, and improve achievement for every student.
Learning is not linear, and neither is personalization. So much more than math practice, DreamBox Math combines an engaging curriculum with Intelligent Adaptive Learning™ to provide a dynamic, motivating experience tailored to each student’s unique needs. The software tracks and evaluates students’ interactions, and then adjusts and readjusts in real time, so every learner can progress at a pace and on an instructional path that is just right for them.
Easily and flexibly meet the needs of all students with automated differentiation. While learners engage with personalized lessons, educators gain actionable data insights to individualize instruction. Flexible implementation models and ongoing professional learning support all teachers so they can meet diverse needs and spend their time where it counts most—with their students.
Continuous integrated assessment in DreamBox Math enables actionable insights that deepen educators’ understanding of where students are, where they need to be, and how to get them there. Daily updated reports provide an end-to-end view of student progress, performance, and trends throughout the year to empower educators to individualize and assign targeted lessons in alignment with your standards, without interrupting instruction or waiting for the next test window.
Launchpad sets each student’s starting point and builds a customized pathway for growth and steady academic progress, providing educators insights into students’ baseline understanding and efficiently placing students into DreamBox Math’s adaptive curriculum map.
DreamBox Learning is the only dual-discipline program rated STRONG by Evidence for ESSA. DreamBox programs have demonstrated efficacy across every achievement level, in every learning environment. Students using the programs with fidelity have shown significant growth in both math and reading.