• Sandbox for Chromebook: award-winning free 3D learning tool now available to download!

K-12 Science Solutions

That Go the Distance

Build a district-wide science solution that inspires K-12 learners with core curriculum such as Science Techbook and engaging supplements such as Mystery Science, Discovery Education Experience, and Pivot Interactives.

students interacting in science lab

Sparking Curiosity

Hands-on activities, digital interactives, and phenomena-based resources put students at the center of their learning and get them excited about science.

Meeting Educators’ Needs

Grab-and-go lessons, easy-to-use tools, and built-in assessments provide the structure teachers need, while offering the flexibility to support every student. Professional Learning helps ensure smooth implementation and ongoing classroom success.

Demonstrating Impact

Discovery Education’s comprehensive suite of K-12 science solutions meets the rigorous evidence-based standards that are defined in ESSA and aligned to the funding goals outlined in the CARES, CRSSA, and American Rescue Plan legislation.

Improve Literacy Through Science whitepaper cover page
Improving Literacy Through Science  
Discover how reading, writing, and speaking transform science education.
Download the whitepaper today! 

Which Science Solution is Right For You?

Discovery Education Science Techbook Logo

Science Techbook

An immersive, phenomena-based core science curriculum designed to support K-12 classrooms with relevant, phenomena-driven science instruction, time-optimizing teaching and assessment tools, interactive content, and hands-on learning opportunities.

science techbook product screenshot
tech and learning 2023 excellence winner secondary logo

Mystery Science

Mystery Science is an innovative, standards-aligned, hands-on K-5 curriculum that teaches children how to think like scientists.

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tech and learning 2023 excellence winner secondary logo

Pivot Interactives

Transform science instruction with this online science supplement that helps teachers provide more phenomena-based, active learning! With 500+ interactive activities, students will see, measure, analyze, and explore science for themselves.

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The essential companion for engaged classrooms – inspiring teachers and motivating students. Experience offers standards-aligned multi-subject content, real-world exploration, and flexible differentiation tools- all in one comprehensive solution. 

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tech and learning 2023 excellence winner secondary logo
Discovery Education Science Techbook Logo

Science Techbook

An immersive, phenomena-based core science curriculum designed to support K-12 classrooms with relevant, phenomena-driven science instruction, time-optimizing teaching and assessment tools, interactive content, and hands-on learning opportunities.

science techbook product screenshot
tech and learning 2023 excellence winner secondary logo

Mystery Science

Mystery Science is an innovative, standards-aligned, hands-on K-5 curriculum that teaches children how to think like scientists.

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The essential companion for engaged classrooms – inspiring teachers and motivating students. Experience offers standards-aligned multi-subject content, real-world exploration, and flexible differentiation tools- all in one comprehensive solution. 

tech and learning 2023 excellence winner secondary logo
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Discovery Education Science Techbook Logo

Science Techbook

An immersive, phenomena-based core science curriculum designed to support K-12 classrooms with relevant, phenomena-driven science instruction, time-optimizing teaching and assessment tools, interactive content, and hands-on learning opportunities.

tech and learning 2023 excellence winner secondary logo
science techbook product screenshot


The essential companion for engaged classrooms – inspiring teachers and motivating students. Experience offers standards-aligned multi-subject content, real-world exploration, and flexible differentiation tools- all in one comprehensive solution. 

tech and learning 2023 excellence winner secondary logo
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Discovery Education Science Techbook Logo

Science Techbook

An immersive, phenomena-based core science curriculum designed to support K-12 classrooms with relevant, phenomena-driven science instruction, time-optimizing teaching and assessment tools, interactive content, and hands-on learning opportunities.

tech and learning 2023 excellence winner secondary logo
science techbook product screenshot

Pivot Interactives

Transform science instruction with this online science supplement that helps teachers provide more phenomena-based, active learning! With 500+ interactive activities, students will see, measure, analyze, and explore science for themselves.

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The essential companion for engaged classrooms – inspiring teachers and motivating students. Experience offers standards-aligned multi-subject content, real-world exploration, and flexible differentiation tools- all in one comprehensive solution. 

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Cross-Curricular Connections through Science

Learn how Prince George County Public Schools uses Discovery Education Science Solutions to connect math, literacy, and writing to support science learning.

More To Explore

Review Our Additional Science Resources

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Finding Success With NGSS Whitepaper

An in-depth look at how Discovery Education’s Science Techbook supports Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) implementation through three-dimensional learning, phenomena-based instruction, and student-centered approaches.


Learn how this digital solution helps educators transform science education with equitable access, literacy integration, and embedded professional learning support.

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Science Research & Impact on K-12 Learning

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Building 21st-Century Skills Through Hands-On STEM Instruction

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Prince George's County PS Success with Science Techbook

STB PGCPS Video Thumbnail

Prince George County Public School Video Testimonials - Science Techbook at Prince George County Schools

Ready to See How Discovery Education's K-12 Science Solutions Can Help?