• Sandbox for Chromebook: award-winning free 3D learning tool now available to download!

Discovery Education Experience

Are you juggling more than a dozen supplemental resources to support your classroom? What if you could achieve the same results with just one tool? Bring Discovery Education Experience, an all-in-one standards-aligned digital resource, to your school.  

Experience is your essential companion for engaged classrooms – with captivating cross-curricular lessons, real-world content, time-saving tools, and impactful educator tested strategies.  

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See what’s new with Experience for Back to School 2025.

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Motivate Learning with Content that Excites

Create a classroom culture of inquiry and exploration through unique learning experiences that connect students to the real world From virtual field trips, to learning games to virtual visits with real industry professionals, Experience has it all. Our standards-aligned, high-quality, vetted content features brands students love like Sesame Street, Shark Week, DE Originals, and more  

Elevate Teaching Practices and Jumpstart Planning

The Enhanced Instructional Strategy Library makes it easier than ever to discover and apply research-backed SOS instructional strategies with ready-to teach lessons and activities. Use Personalized Content Recommendations tied to your core curriculum or smart content recommendations powered by user data to simplify planning. Also, embedded professional learning supports help maximize impact all year long. 

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Dedicated to Applying Ongoing Research

Discovery Education is proud to announce that Experience meets Level IV evidence requirements in compliance with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

Create Future Ready Students with Real World Learning 

Directly connect teachers and students to the people, innovations, and skills of today’s workforce with Career Connect, now accessible through Experience. Invite exploration and promote career readiness with Career Pathway Resources. 

An Integrated Experience

Our education platform supports the latest integration standards and connects to a variety of Learning Management Systems, making it easy and intuitive to access and manage your data, content, resources, and tools. Students and teachers alike can enjoy a unified classroom experience that’s easy to navigate!

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Explore Discovery Education Experience

From videos to books, virtual field trips, and immersive and interactive content, Discovery Education Experience embeds relevant learning to power pre-made lessons, quizzes, and activities. The Discovery Education platform spans all subjects and grades, there’s something for every classroom.

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Custom Assessments with AI TeacherTools | Assess

Customize assessments according to reading level, question type, Bloom’s Taxonomy, and more to ensure optimal learning experiences for your students.

Our Impact on Teaching & Learning

Use of Discovery Education Experience is evidence-based and built upon a theory of action designed to enhance the best K-12 teaching and learning experiences.

  • Across 34 performance indicators, schools with Discovery Education’s products performed better on North Carolina’s state assessments than non-DE partner schools.

  • In a Texas study, 73% of high-use students met state benchmarks, compared to 30% of low use students.

  • In a California study, students in 8th grade, high-use social studies and math classes outperformed their peers on state assessments for ELA and math.

  • In a statewide Kentucky study, schools that used Discovery Education had higher test scores across subjects and student groups.

Other Discovery Education Solutions

Explore our core and supplemental curriculum resources to use in harmony with Experience and get students curious!

Learn How Discovery Education Can Help Prepare Your Students for Success

The largest impact is that Discovery Education has been a consistent resource for educators amongst the challenges of teaching … Across content areas and grades, teachers have a one-stop shop they can use to supplement and extend lessons. Students also know the resources available and use them to explore their learning. Teachers and school staff know that DE is reliable and high quality.

Josh Bailey Director of Teaching and Learning Operations, Maryland